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100GM FISH MAW 清水花胶 100gm

Selling Price
RM 67.50



Maw, or better known as fish gas bladder, is famous for its rich contents of collagen and protein, which is especially good for improving complexion, and also speeds up recovery after giving birth, operation and wound healing.

Maws are primarily made of high quality protein, variety of vitamins and minerals such as calcium, zinc, iron, selenium and traces elements, making it a kind of therapeutic food.

It has been proven over the time that regular consumption of fish maw is capable of improving beautiful skin for both pregnant mums and their babies. Hence, eating fish maw during pregnancy and after giving birth is highly recommended by many.

Fish maw contains up to 84.2% of protein and only 0.2% of fat with no cholesterol at all. Thus, it becomes a highly sought after “High Protein Low Fat” food.

Most importantly, in Soon Thye Hang, we use only the best selected premium fish maw.



1)     Essential food for preserving beautiful skin of both pregnant mums and babies

2)     Speeds up recovery process after giving birth, operation and wound healing

3)     Replenishes kidney and boost stamina

4)     Effective in healing weak lung and kidney, anemia



1)     Fish maw requires pre-soaking to make it soften before cooking. Change water from time to time and rinse with cool water to eliminate its fish smell.

2)     Put ginger and shallot into a pot of fresh water and boil. Turn off the heat after the water is boiled.

3)     Put the soaked fish maw into the pot and tightly covered with lid. Wait until the water cools down.

4)     Take out the fish maw and rinse with clean water then it is now ready for cooking.

5)     Soaked fish maw should be stored in the freezer if not cooked. Thaw each time before serving.


SUGGESTION: 2 to 3 times a week


  1. 浸泡:把花胶放在干净的容器中浸泡24小时。
  2. 水蒸:把花胶放入炖盅隔水蒸15分钟,洗净即可待用。
  3. 烹饪:花胶可煲汤、做甜品、菜肴。
  4. 若没有马上食用,可置于冰箱保鲜2星期。

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