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[2CANS] Soon Thye Hang 10'S FINE SELECTION BRAISED ABALONE 顺泰行特选红烧吉品罐头鲍鱼 10头 (2 罐)

Selling Price
RM 194.00
Original Price
RM 318.00
Discount Rate
39% OFF


[2CANS] Soon Thye Hang 10'S FINE SELECTION BRAISED ABALONE 顺泰行特选红烧吉品罐头鲍鱼 10头 (2 罐)

SIZE: 2Cans @ 425g (10 pieces)

Why is Soon Thye Hang’s Braised Abalone the top pick for many?

* Abalone is processed using “fresh” abalone and not frozen abalone.  

   Original abalone taste is preserved

* Soon Thye Hang’s unique and special sauce enhances its taste

* Each abalone has a nice “gold ingot” shape with nice lips around it firm and

   chewy texture


1. Contains protein, calcium, magnesium, iodine, vitamin A, etc.
2. Contain same tabolite known as the “prime abalone” of ingredients that can damage poor or bad cells necessary.
3. Helps to improve liver imbalance and kidney, adrenal glands and blood pressure
4. Helps with menstruation irregular, moistening intestinal effect, constipation and others.
5. Abalone suitable for young and old as the year of health care products.


After opened up, you may consume it as it is, or you may reheat it before consume. It can be eaten as cold dish or hot dish. As the canned abalone is ready to be eaten as it is, thus if you wish to mix it with other ingredients, please reheat the abalone with its soup to avoid the abalone become overcooked during the process of cooking the other ingredients.


Unopened canned abalone can be stored in cool and dry places. Opened canned abalone is to be kept together with its soup and stored in refrigerator, and to be consumed as soon as possible. This is to avoid the abalone becomes dried and lost the original taste.

Canned abalone can turn to overcooked if it’s being cooked over a high heat for a long period of time, thus please take note on the timing and on the temperature while reheating the abalone.




1. 鲍鱼含有丰富的蛋白质,还有较多的钙、铁、碘和维生素A等营养元素。
2. 鲍鱼营养价值极高,富含丰富的球蛋白;鲍鱼的肉中还含有一种被称为“鲍素”的成分,能够破坏癌细胞必需的代谢物质。






罐头鲍一般有5种尺寸:1罐1只、1罐2只、1罐3只、1罐1只加1片和一罐不足1只(因鲍鱼太大,罐头装不下,需要切去1片才能入罐)。一罐多于4只的,便被列入BB级,那么一罐4只的当然最抵食了,一罐4只与一罐3只的件头相若,但价钱相差至少40%至50 %。一罐4只是「大BB」,但「小BB」也可以去到很小,一罐50只的也有,当然价钱也按4-5只、6-8只或9-11只等级数各有不同的定价。

「F」代表鲍鱼质素一级(First Grade),「S」则是二级(Second Grade)。如罐面印有「F1」,意思是罐内有1只一级的鲍鱼;如「S1」意思是罐内有1只二级的鲍鱼(只限1至3只才有列明),「F11」,是指里面有1只连1片的一级鲍鱼。「11PCS」则是指1罐有11只BB鲍鱼。罐头也有产地代号,如「SP」指南非鲍鱼,「AUS」代表澳洲鲍鱼,「NZ」代表新西兰鲍鱼。「ABN」是鲍鱼的缩写,并非指产地。有些生产商利用价钱较低的纽西兰鲍作为澳洲鲍,罐中同时印上有「AUS」和「NZ」,或「AUS」和「xxxxxN」,一罐两号,其实是纽西兰鲍鱼在澳洲入罐的意思。代号放上面指「入罐地」,代号放下面指「产地」。


罐头鲍鱼: 将新鲜活鲍鱼经处理后立即装罐以保持稳定的品质。操作程式:去壳清洗,加入盐水,真空装罐再高温杀菌烹煮等加工程式。因其食用简单不需烹煮,只须加热即可。罐头鲍鱼分列为不同的产地(国家), 由于不同的海域和水质将会直接影响到鲍鱼的口感与味道。由於罐头鲍鱼会越煮越老,所以烹调时要留意时间及火候,可別久煮。

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        [2CANS] Soon Thye Hang 10'S FINE SELECTION BRAISED ABALONE 顺泰行特选红烧吉品罐头鲍鱼 10头 (2 罐)

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        [2CANS] Soon Thye Hang 10'S FINE SELECTION BRAISED ABALONE 顺泰行特选红烧吉品罐头鲍鱼 10头 (2 罐)

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