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Bionette Electronic Allergy Reliever Device

Selling Price
RM 298.80
Original Price
RM 339.00
Discount Rate
12% OFF

Sold by Healthmart


The Perfect Solution for treating Hay Fever and Allergic Rhinitis without drugs or side effects

• NO known side effects.
• NO known harmful interactions with other medications.
• Effective and drug-free!
• Safe for children 6 years and older Clinically proven - Efficacy demonstrated in clinical trials.
• Small, compact, lightweight, portable and easy to use 3 times a day for 4.5 minute.
• Sold worldwide over 300,000 devices.

What is Bionette?
Bionette is a revolutionary medical device which delivers relief from pet allergies, hay fever and allergic rhinitis symptoms. The commonly believed notion that “drugs solve everything” has been debunked by Bionette, an electronic medical device that treats Allergic Rhinitis - without the need for anti-histamines. The concept has been proven in12 different clinical trials, involving nearly 700 patients.

How it works?
Bionette utilizes low level narrow band light technology. Exposure of tissues in the nose to low-energy narrow-band light yields enhanced nitric oxide production. Stimulation by nitric oxide mediates wound repair and inflammatory healing process.

Bionette provides symptom relief from
•    Tree Pollens (Alder, Box Elder, Birch, American Elm, Mulberry, and Oaks)
•    Grass Pollens (Bermuda Grass, Kentucky Blue Grass, Johnson Grass, Bahia, Orchard, Meadow Fescue, Rye Grass, Redtop, and Sweet Vernal)
•    Air Transmitted Flower and Weed Pollens (Ragweed, Dock, Golden Rod, Plantains, Sheep Sorrel, Thistle, Sagebrush and Nettles)
•    Spores
•    Moulds
•    Mites and Cockroaches
•    Dust
•    Animal Allergies
and, other airborne sources of nasal inflammation.

BioLight is a leading HK-Chinese producer of phototherapy devices based on LLNB red light. The BioNette offers different treatment concept, clinically proven, side effect free, that is equal to the anti-histamine industry. As was formally proved in the article of the most prestige American rhinology magazine: Efficacy of endonasal phototherapy for relieving the symptoms of allergic rhinitis: Meta-analysis; American Journal of Rhinology & Allergy, Volume 29, July/August 2015, the BioNette provides a genuine treatment similar to anti-histamine - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26163248


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        Exchange & Return Policy

        Seller's Information

        Seller Healthmart
        Shipping from
        Return/Exchange address
        Notice on Return/exchange Every Bionette device comes with a (2) two year warranty that covers manufacturer defects. The warranty is valid for two years from the date of purchase.

        The Warranty covers repair or replacement of the unit at the discretion of the distributor as long as the device was used in accordance with instructions supplied by the manufacturer.

        Warranty will not apply in the following instances:

        • Improper use.

        • Repair by someone other than the manufacturer or an officially appointed representative of the manufacturer.

        • Accidental damage or breakage.

        • Damage caused by use of unsuitable batteries

        Presto Return/Exchange Policy

        1. Cancellation
          • Request for cancellation if product has not been dispatched after payment completion.
          • Strictly no cancellation for E-voucher after purchased.
        2. Return
          • Request for return within 7 calendar days following delivery date.
          • Check seller's approval on buyer's request.
          • Buyer sends product in question to seller.
          • Seller receives and checks returned product.
          • Seller approves return and return is completed.
          • Strictly no return or refund for E-voucher.
        3. Exchange
          • Request for exchange within 7 calendar days following receipt of delivery.
          • Check seller's approval on buyer's request.
          • Buyer sends product in question to seller.
          • Seller receives and checks returned product
          • Seller send new product to buyer, and buyer receives it, and exchange is completed.
          • No exchange for E-voucher purchased.

        How to Request for Cancellation/Return/Exchange

        • You can request for cancellation after completing payment and if product has not been dispatched by then, cancellation request is approved and you can receive refund.
          But, in case seller has already dispatched product, cancellation request can be rejected.
        • You can request for return after obtaining product, you should send the product in question to seller.
          After seller checks if returned product is flawed, and approves your request, return is completed and payment is refunded.
        • You can request for exchange if wrong product is shipped, you should send the product in question to seller.
          After seller checks if returned product is flawed, seller approves your request, and re-sends new product.

        Criteria for Return/Exchange

        You can request for return/exchange within 7 calendar days following delivery date. But return/exchange request cannot be made in following cases:

        • When request due to change of mind is made after 7 calendar days following delivery date
        • When product is used, destroyed or damaged
        • When tag attached to product is removed or package of product is opened and product value is damaged
        • When sealed package is opened or packaging materials are lost
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        • When buyer did not follow instructions included in product

        As e-voucher products are immediately sent to your e-mail, returns/exchanges are not available. Please take note of this before purchase, and input your e-mail address correctly.

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