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Children's toys Magnetic fishing toys Set beach pool set

Selling Price
RM 22.99



Product Name:

Children's toy magnetic fishing rod sea animals beach pool set parent-child interaction game
Mainan kanak-kanak joran pancing magnetik haiwan laut set kolam pantai permainan interaksi anak ibu bapa

Product Key Features/Keywords:
Children beach pool set / Set kolam pantai kanak-kanak
Children fishing toys / Permainan memancing kanak-kanak
Magnetic fishing toys set / Set permainan memancing magnetik


- Packing Included: 1*60*40cm Pool, 1*Inflator (To Pump the Pool), 2*Fishing Rod, 2*Fishing Net, 2*Egg, 3*Duck, 30*Sea Creature (Random Type and Color)

Product Features:

- Made of high-quality non-toxic and odorless plastic and magnet

- A variety of colors and different kinds of fish. There is a piece of iron on the mouth of the fish. It is hung on a fishing rod and the magnet is aimed at the mouth. You can catch the fish

- Bright colors, beautifully printed marine life, lightweight, durable and safe.

- Let children experience the fun of fishing

- Help your baby learn more about marine animals through play


- Termasuk pembungkusan: 1 * 60 * 40cm kolam renang, 1 * inflator (pam), 2 * pancing, 2 * jaring ikan, 2 * telur, 3 * itik, 30 * makhluk laut (jenis dan warna rawak)


- Terbuat dari plastik dan magnet berkualiti tinggi yang tidak beracun dan tidak berbau

- Berbagai warna dan pelbagai jenis ikan. Terdapat sebatang besi di mulut ikan. Ia digantung pada pancing dengan magnet yang ditujukan ke mulutnya. Anda boleh menangkap ikan

- Warna terang, percetakan hidupan laut yang indah, ringan, tahan lama dan selamat.

- Biarkan anak-anak mengalami keseronokan memancing

- Bantu bayi anda belajar lebih banyak mengenai haiwan laut melalui permainan


- 包括包装:1 * 60 * 40cm游泳池,1 *充气机(泵浦),2 *钓鱼竿,2 *鱼网,2 *鸡蛋,3 *鸭子,30 *海洋生物(随机类型和颜色)


- 由优质无毒无味的塑料和磁铁制成

- 各种颜色和不同种类的鱼。 鱼嘴上有一块铁。 它挂在一根钓鱼竿上,磁铁对准嘴。 你可以钓到鱼

- 鲜艳的色彩,精美的海洋生物印花,轻巧,耐用且安全。

- 让孩子们体验钓鱼的乐趣

- 帮助宝宝通过游戏了解更多有关海洋动物的信息



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