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SIMU Professional Salon Paraben Free Keratin Argan & Scalp Charcoal Treatment Mask 1000ml

Selling Price
RM 42.00
Original Price
RM 87.00
Discount Rate
52% OFF


Simu Professional Salon Eco Paraben Free KERATIN ARGAN Treatment Mask 1000ml/1L * READY STOCK IN MALAYSIA * ➰Paraben Free !! ➰Contains Vitamin E !! ➰Eco Concept !! ➰Fur Cuticle Close Supple !! ➰Organic Argan Keratin !!

�� Simu Keratin Argan Treatment Mask 1000ml

- An intensive & and proven hair treatment to restore essential hydration & enhance resilience to protect against future damage. (经过深层护理且经过验证的头发护理, 可恢复必需的水合作用并增强弹性, 以防止将来受到伤害。)
- Keratin Argan Treatment is packed with protein that strengthens damaged hair with deep repair. It is formulated with essential protein & lipids, this reparative treatment intelligently targets damaged hair sites, helping reinforce the integrity of the hair from roots to ends. A blend of lipid rich keratin & argan oil help support hairs natural defense against future damage. (角蛋白Argan护理富含蛋白质, 可深层修复受损发质, 它采用必需的蛋白质和脂质配制而成, 这种修复性处理可智能地针对受损的头发部位, 帮助增强从发根到末端的头发完整性。 富含脂质的角蛋白和摩洛哥坚果油的混合物有助于支持头发自然防御未来的伤害。)


�� Simu Scalp Charcoal Treatment Mask 1000ml - A scrub that is ideal as a detox treatment as it cleanses, purifies & restores balance to sensitive or oily scalp. (磨砂净化是一种理想的头发排毒治疗, 因为它清洁, 净化和恢复敏感或油性头皮的酸碱值平衡。 - Scalp Charcoal Treatment hydrates & soothes the scalp. Contains a natural exfoliant, which removes impurities from your scalp & stimulates blood circulation while also supplying rebalancing mineral salts. It can also be used as a post-colour treatment to sooth tingling & itching sensations & is ideal for eliminating chemical residues, which have become embedded on the scalp. (头皮木炭护理可滋润和舒缓头皮。包含天然去角质剂, 可清除头皮中的杂质并刺激血液循环, 同时还可提供平衡的矿物质盐。它也可以用作上色后的护理, 以舒缓刺痛和瘙痒感, 是消除残留在头皮上的化学残留物的理想选择。) Formulated from Italy

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        SIMU Professional Salon Paraben Free Keratin Argan & Scalp Charcoal Treatment Mask 1000ml

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