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STH Royal Honey 顺泰行蜂皇乳 515gm

Selling Price
RM 78.80













蜂皇乳能明显增强人体对多种致病因子的抵抗力,促进脏腑组织的再生与修复,调整内分泌及新陈代谢,还能有效地增进食欲,改善睡眠并促进生长发育,对人体有极强的保健功能和医疗效果 。





内服: 将30gm的顺泰行蜂皇乳与300ml的水稀释,即可服用。

外敷: 将适量的顺泰行蜂皇乳涂在皮肤上即可。


Soon Thye Hang Wild Royal Honey

Royal Honey is also called royal jelly, as the name implies, it is the food eaten by the queen bee. Royal Honey has long been regarded as a nourishing holy product, especially in beauty and preventive health care. Many people believe that it has special effects.

Soon Thye Hang Wild Royal Honey has high purity and is rich in natural active enzymes and antioxidants, which can effectively promote human metabolism. It is also rich in decenoic acid, which can help cells repair and regenerate.


Why choose Soon Thye Hang Wild Royal Honey?

Soon Thye Hang Wild Royal Honey does not add any sugar, preservatives, coloring and thickening agents. Natural brewing and high purity.



Royal Honey can be used for illnesses such as weakness after illness, malnutrition in children, senile body failure, infectious hepatitis, hypertension, rheumatoid arthritis, duodenal ulcer and other diseases.

Royal Honey is effective for moisturizing and laxative. Can help get rid of constipation.

Royal Honey can significantly enhance the body’s resistance to a variety of pathogenic factors, promote the regeneration and repair of visceral organs, adjust endocrine and metabolism, and can effectively increase appetite, improve sleep and promote growth and development. It has a very strong effect on the human body. Health function and medical effect.

Royal Honey can strengthen the body’s resistance and promote growth. Long-term use can promote appetite and strengthen physical fitness. Long-term use of thin people can also increase weight, making people energetic, sleep well, and feel comfortable.

It can be used to treat skin burns, acne, swelling, feet and other skin diseases.


Way to take Soon Thye Hang Wild Royal Honey orally/externally

Oral application: Dilute 30gm of Soon Thye Hang Wild Royal Honey with 300ml of water and then drink it.

External application: Just apply an appropriate amount of Soon Thye Hang Wild Royal Honey to the skin.

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        STH Royal Honey 顺泰行蜂皇乳 515gm

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